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Strategy and Reports for Targeting Your Competition’s ASIN

This podcast cover the strategy and reports for targeting competition's ASIN. Steps include using Amazon Ads, analyzing ASIN performance, targeting ASINs with potential, and employing manual campaigns, all aimed at significantly boosting Amazon sales.



Targeting competition through product targeting is still something most of the brands and sellers are missing.

Here are a few steps to do it.

If you are using Amazon Ads for your listing and have run auto campaigns in the past, you need to download a report named Sponsored Product Search Term Report.


Use this report to find the ASINs that are converting for you and helping you generate sales.

However, if you do not have this date then you should target the ASINs where you have a better chance of getting sales.

A good competitor targeting strategy could be to target the ASINs with lower reviews and ratings and target ASINs with high traffic but poor conversion rate.

You can get this report by using the Brand analytics report.

You may also want to target the ASINs with higher prices unless the reviews are really high for that Asin.

Once you have chosen those ASINs you need to use manual targeting campaigns to target.

This strategy could help you increase your Amazon sales significantly.