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Amazon Return Rates : Top Reasons and Strategies for Sellers

Amazon Return Rates- Top Reasons and Strategies for Sellers

Discover effective strategies to reduce Amazon return rates and enhance your success as a seller. Learn how to optimize product descriptions, prioritize quality, offer size guides, improve packaging, ensure prompt shipping, streamline returns, engage customers, and leverage AI-driven personalization. By implementing these proven techniques, sellers can build customer trust, minimize returns, and achieve greater profitability on the platform.

What Is a GTIN Exemption and How Can You Apply for It?

As an Amazon India seller, understanding GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) and its exemption process is crucial for smooth product listing. In this blog, we will explain what GTIN is, why it is important, and how you can apply for a GTIN exemption to list your products without it. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate GTIN requirements and simplify your Amazon selling journey.