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Adsify Reviews: Anas from Puloka Technologies

In this testimonial, Mr. Anas, the owner of Puloka, shares his experience with Adsify Digital. He highlights how our dedicated team helped Puloka achieve business growth, and increase in sales while helping them solve the issues that the brand was facing. Hear directly from Mr. Anas about the positive impact Adsify Digital has had on Puloka and his appreciation for our team’s efforts.


9/20/2024 . 1 min read

Himanshu- Hi Anazi, how’s it going?

Anas- All good Himanshu ji, how are you?

Himanshu- All well. All well sir
So yeah. First off, thank you so much for taking time and doing this. I mean for the audience, How we can start is maybe if you can just give a quick introduction what you do, your brand, the challenges that you’re facing, all of that. I mean your journey, how you started off.

Anas- Actually I’m a phone case brand owner. My brand name is Puloka and we started online business since 2018 and we launched on Amazon around 2019 and we were struggling a lot since last two years in edge and in maintaining ACoS- TACoS. For at least 5-6 months, we tried so many SPN services, many big service providers, some were recommended by Amazon managers itself, they just false promised us and delivered nothing, all of them are approximately famous experienced Amazon SPNs services they all wasted the money. Then we got recommendation for ADSIFY.

Himanshu- All right, all right, all right. So you mentioned challenges Right. And SPNs were somehow not working out, specific how many challenges?
Some of the top challenges. Maybe one two if you want to quote.

Anas- So specific challenges are that none of them, All those SPN services were not able to understand this field, the brand, they all charged us fully but only gave excuses that we are doing research, got no results and durig those 4 5 monts of just research our ACoS was Approximately 30 35% tacos 20-25%. they were not able to solve Main issue.

Himanshu- Right, right, right.
So just for the audience I’ll explain tacos so that everyone understands, TACoS means if you are doing 1 Lakh rupee sale, total sales in which organic and ad sales is included, so for 1 lakh sales I invest 20% i.e. 20,000 rupees per day so when you say 20% tacos on a daily basis, most of the sellers who are seeing this will know this that 20% tacos is really high. Right.
So yeah okay I understood the challenge and how did you get to know about Adsify.

Anas- We got a recommendation from a friend, an old friend, he runs a company, I shared the struggles with him, told him that we are struggling with ACoS – TACoS, and Amazon ads specially funds are being misspent, and we are not getting any results, despite having good stock we were lost at TACoS and numbers. Then he recommended you, saying Himanshu and Shahzeb, two people in Delhi running a good company you can connect with them, possibly they can help you. Then I contacted Adsify team and had a talk with you Himanshu Ji.

Himanshu- All right all right.
So I hope we were able to deliver on the expectations.

Anas- Definitely more than more than what I expected.

Himanshu- thank you so much for the kind words.
so a quick question, you landed with Adsify any specific thing which stood out? You thought This is what these guys do differently and which has actually worked for you.

Anas- See Himanshu Ji in the first month I thought, actucally it takes first two months to get the things on track. so in the first I didn’t honestly think that you guys would be able to do it but then everybody was like you have tried many, give them also a try. First month was not much but in the second third month, we started getting results. You guys did wonderful job. we couldn’t even think about ACoS TACoS will be at 10% 11%. The last month also was very good, Our TACoS dropped to 9% and ACoS is about 20% right now.

Himanshu- Correct. Correct. And for this category I would say these I mean if I compare with industry benchmark people are spending 30 35% ACoS. mobile phone cover category is very competitive as new models get launched every then and now and quickly gets out of trend. Product shelf life is low.

Anas- Correct. 6 Months maximum

Himanshu- So liquidation as well as making sure it generates as much of ROI is difficult. So yeah it’good to Know that we were able to bring TACoS from 20% to below 10%. And if you want to talk about sales numbers also, I mean not absolute sales number, I know that’s confidential. But in general.

Anas- Approximately we were doing. After joining you, last for months approximately 30% increase. A sale was increased approximately by 30%, 25 to 30%. And now we are looking forward to at least a growth of 50 to 60% in the next three, four months with you.
And other than controlling ACoS TACoS, I mean anyone can generate sales by increasing ACoS-TACoS but increased= in sales while controlling ACoS and TACoS that it remains 17- 18- 20% is very good. Its important to grow with that else the company gets in loss. so looking forward to grow company with profitability.

Himanshu- Correct. correct.
I think for any bootstrapped business, it’s important to profitably grow, right? We don’t have VC money to spend unnecessary.

Anas- profitability is important.

Himanshu- Right. In fact the thing you said earlier got stuck in my mind that for the first month you felt that we won’t be able to get that much growth.

Anas- Yes even I discussed it with my team that everybody promised big things, did big talks. Himanshu ji is also promising so lets see what happens. And its obvious for the first month, its a new account things take time, about 1- 1.5 month goes in understanding things. But you did, its still unbelievable for us that we have got someone who can drive results.

Himanshu- This is one of the reasons actually started because when we both Shahzeb and I were in Amazon, we realized quality service is missing in the market. That general model of thinking that lets work with 5,000 sellers, we’ll make good money. That, that logic doesn’t work, right. You’re not building a long term business. So that’s why we actually land up, you know, building a company wherein.

Anas- Right. Right. Forget owners, not even staff replies properly. I had a bad experience with some of those 1 or 2 companies. I won’t name them.

Himanshu- No, no, I understand, I understand. See, sometimes it becomes difficult, right. When you’re managing a lot of accounts. Right. That’s why at least we try to manage quality accounts where we feel like yes, we can grow them. Right? Honestly, we can grow them. The idea is not to keep charging from them and we’ll see.
But yeah, yes, with that said, with that said, I’m repeating again and again is for any account, even if, let’s say we are coming with a lot of experience of one particular category. Right. And I mean we have handled big accounts also in the same category. In fact, we are managing certain accounts right now also. There are certain accounts we managed earlier also when we were in Amazon. Right. But again, for each and every account the strategy is different. Right. the Pain point. A doctor. let’s say if he’s treating patients with fever, he can’t prescribe same medicines to all of them.
He will understand your case first, right?

Anas- Exactly.

Himanshu- He’ll understand your problem, conditions, for every person there will be different medicine. Right? So that’s how it works. And it takes some time, right?

Anas- It takes time to understand every category, account on Amazon in depth. It may look easy but it will require at least one or two months to understand an account.

Himanshu- Correct, correct, correct. Within three months we realized that yes, we are moving in the right direction. And that’s what happened with your accounts also, Right? Right. We realized we now know what’s working, what’s not working and we know what to scale and what to not scale. We did these 10 experiments, 5 are working for us and rest are not, we need to pause the other 5 on time. That’s also the key, right? To realize that it’s a, it’s a wrong experiment ultimately. Right?

Anas- This was the problem with old SPN services, all they did was never ending experiments with lots of expenses but couldn’t deliver results.

Himanshu- Yeah, See, I would say Ad itself is an experiment. There is no hard and Fast rule to it. Just that difference between a novice and an expert is if 10 experiments run a novice may get 4 successful whereas an expert will get 7-8. That’s the only difference. We will also fail and we have failed multiple times. It’s just that we realize, yes, this is not working and at the right time, boss, we have to stop it.
And then we realize that this is working great. Let’s scale it up. We know how to scale it up. Right? That’s the only difference. I would say that we have been able to deliver but yeah, it was good. So Anything that stood out in terms of engagement, in terms of anything that made you think that This is something these guys are doing differently.? Right

Anas- As a business owner, You controlled the running TACoS-ACoS it was the biggest achievement for me I don’t want anything else, my ads are running smooth, my product is being sold, ACoS-TACoS is in control because they say profitable and in the end of the month I’m profitable. I am making money that’s the biggest achievement. Because earlier when we use to calculate, basically we were in loss for approximately four months. Doing business is a very tough thing. On Amazon, It’s a very tough thing. People think it’s easy but there’s so much to manage in Amazon, stock, inventory, warehouse many thing, So if somebody has someone like you to take care of the account, they get relief from a very big headache. you, who response very fast, because you are always available on call, always available for us, all of you, shahzeb, you all response very fast. I have not seen that happening anywhere else, and some don’t even talk let alone responding.

Himanshu- Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. And equally we enjoy working with you with your team.
We love how you quickly take actions on the responses on the inputs that we give. I think as a partner its very important because alone ads can do everything to top it or to make sure that those operations are scaling up as you scale up with ads. That’s really important and that’s why I think we have been able to together deliver results for the business. It’s not just. we have got equal support from your team as well. So we equally enjoy working with you also. So thank you so much for being a partner. I really appreciate it.

Anas- Looking forward to at least work a few few years together.

Himanshu- Absolutely. Absolutely. Anas, thank you so much. Thank you.